UAW 4121

Welcome & Get Involved! Membership Meeting 10/13 at 4pm

Our next membership meeting will be Thursday 10/13 from 4-5pm, and will be conducted via Zoom. As we’re starting a new academic year, this meeting will feature an introduction to the union and overview of the year to come. Additionally, for both new and returning members, this will be a great opportunity to connect with members of active workgroups and committees – including a chance to learn about the ongoing work of each group, and find out how you can plug in to building power on issues that matter to you. To access the link and/or call-in number, please fill out this short form. The proposed agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  • Approve Agenda
  • Approve Minutes
  • Welcome!
  • Elections Committee
  • Workgroups and Organizing Committees
  • Adjourn

Please note that this month’s meeting is at 4pm rather than 5pm to accommodate members attending a reproductive justice rally — more info below! All members in good standing are encouraged to attend, and anyone who is not yet a member can sign up here beforehand. Any member who would like to propose additional agenda items or submit materials for the meeting is welcome to email by 5pm on Wednesday, October 12. For more information about how the meeting will be structured and how you can use Zoom’s features to participate, check out this page on our website.

Solidarity with Protestors in Iran

As we wrote last week, UAW 4121 stands in firm solidarity with the courageous women, students, workers, union siblings, and all other protesters in Iran who have been putting their lives on the line to fight for people’s rights to freedom, equality, and a life in dignity since Mahsa (Jina) Amini’s murder by Iranian police.

Many 4121 members joined a rally in solidarity last weekend. Coming up this Friday 10/7 at 4pm, 4121 members are encouraged to join another solidarity protest happening on the pedestrian area of the 520 bridge. Additionally, if you and/or other ASEs, Postdocs, or Research Scientists you know are in need of support around this issue, or want to get involved in organizing around issues impacting our international communities, please get in touch with our International Solidarity Working Group at

Upcoming Rallies for Reproductive Rights: 10/13 and 10/22

UW’s Progressive Student Union is organizing a rally to involve the broader UW community in the movement for reproductive justice on campus and across Seattle. The rally will take place on Thursday 10/13 at 5pm at the George Washington Statue immediately following UAW 4121’s Monthly Membership Meeting, and will feature both UW students and community members as speakers. To join up with fellow 4121 members, please RSVP here.

In addition, on October 22nd, 4121 members are helping organize a Planned Parenthood Clinic Defense alongside Puget Sound Mobilization for Reproductive Justice. This will include providing in-person support for Planned Parenthood clinic patients and staff to promote peaceful and safe access to reproductive healthcare. More details to come on the specifics. Be sure to RSVP to connect with other 4121 members. For more information or to get more involved, email

Rally for Tenants’ Rights on 10/21

The housing survey that 4121 members organized last spring revealed many of our members experienced rent hikes and housing maintenance issues. Recently, UW announced that they are accepting bids to privatize four major student housing developments. Privatization will lead to increased rent costs and lower quality housing – amongst other issues. This is why on October 21st, 4121 members are holding a Rally for Tenants’ Rights to build our power and to fight back against this recent proposal. At the rally, we will have tenants’ rights/organizing workshops, asynchronous brainstorming/collaborative activities, and speakers on the history of renters’ rights in Seattle and UW’s role in the local rental market. RSVP for the rally here!

In Solidarity,
Justin Applegate
Ana Bennett
Erica Bigelow
Nick Bolten
Max Friedfeld
Colleen Hoffman
Levin Kim
Avi Matarasso
Nicel Mohamed-Hinds
Emily Myers
Amal Nanavati
Anzela Niraula
Marissa Parker
Mara Rafferty
Tahiyat Rahman
Anastasia Schaadhart
Audrey Seo
Jer Steeger
Sam Sumpter
Samantha Thompson
Natalie Wellen
Tricia Wu
Yuying Xie