UAW 4121 - UW Works Because We Do
Dear UAW Member,

U-PASS Bargaining Update

Activism works! A free U-PASS is becoming a reality for 1000s of UW employees! Throughout August and September, ASEs rallied alongside several other UW unions in support of 100% transit subsidy for all UW employees. Recently, through coalition bargaining, UW offered a free U-PASS beginning July 1, 2019.

This continues our overall efforts to reduce out of pocket costs and increase affordability and sustainability through our collective bargaining efforts. The fight continues!

Seattle People’s Budget

Seattle’s new city budget is just around the corner, and so far the mayor’s proposal has put affordable housing, social services, and public transportation on the lowest rung of priority. Join us tomorrow, Saturday (10/6) from 3-6 PM at City Hall, for a community action meeting to discuss how we can win a people’s budget that addresses the rising cost of housing, public transit, healthcare and childcare, police accountability, and much more. Help us build the City We Need, not a city that corporate politicians are willing to grant us!

Voter Registration Deadline

The deadline to vote in the November election is fast approaching. Register to vote in WA state the online and mail-in deadline is this Monday October 8, in person deadline is is October 29.  If you’re teaching, remind your students who are eligible to register to vote!

Get Out the Vote for I-1631!

Join CNN political commentator and co-founder of Green For All  Van Jones to support 1631!  We’ll meet Wednesday, 10/10 @ 1pm in the HUB for volunteer training then go talk with voters.  No previous experience necessary!  RSVP at:

Can’t canvas Wednesday with Van Jones? No problem! Our own union climate scientist Michelle Tigchelaar is leading two upcoming volunteer shifts:   October 13 @ 1pm and October 27 @ 1pm.  To find out more information, email the climate justice workgroup at The opposition has now raised over $21 million, including $300,000 from the Koch Brothers, so our engagement is needed now more than ever. Bring a friend to door knock with you!

GO-MAP Getting Connected

GO-MAP (Graduate Opportunity and Minority Achievement Program), which came into existence follow the elimination of affirmative action in WA (I-200), is hosting their annual Getting Connected event next week.

WHEN: Friday, October 12 – New student orientation, 4:30-7pm; Reception, 7-10:30pm

Workgroup Meetings

Several workgroups will be meeting soon.  If you are interested in participating in:
prevention of sexual harassment and discrimination workgroup, the next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 9 from 3 to 4:30 in Research Commons Red A;

contract enforcement workgroup, email;
housing justice workgroup, email;
healthcare workgroup, email;
political workgroup, email

Health & Safety Committee

UW’s Health & Safety committees function university-wide to work to review accident investigation reports, review departmental health and safety plans, discuss health and safety suggestions from employees, and recommend actions to resolve health and safety concerns. 4121’s representative this year is Christine Kang.  If you experience any work-related injury or illness, report your concerns to your supervisor as soon as possible, then submit an incident report as soon as you can to EH&S via the UW’s Online Accident Reporting System. Reporting these work-related incidents are important so that they can be tracked, investigated, and prevented in the future.

Feel free to reach out by emailing if you have any issues or questions regarding the online reporting system or the Health & Safety committees.

In Solidarity,
Theresa Aliwarga
Douglas Avella-Castro
Dianne Baumann
Andrea Canini
Anthony Castanza
Monica Cortes Viharo
Meg Drouhard
Kristen Garofali
Katya Kolesova
Dylan Mayer
Mandy McCourt
Kristin McCowan
Elizabeth Mills
David Parsons
Shua Sanchez
Maddie Smith
Sam Sumpter
Arash Tarkhan
Judy Twedt

UAW 4121 | UW Works Because We Do