- Victory! TA on our first ever Immigration Article; TA on Article 35: Workload
- Regents Rally TOMORROW!
- Admin files Unfair Labor Practice charge
At today’s mediated bargaining session, our ASE bargaining team reached a Tentative Agreement on our bargaining unit’s first ever Immigration article! Included: a new paid leave for immigration appointments and language to help ASEs get reappointed after any loss of work authorization.
We also managed to fend off Admin’s attacks on our 220-hour workload maximum—an essential protection that ASEs have had in our contract since 2004! These wins are a result of our growing power.
Still, the fight isn’t over. UW Admin has been fighting back hard with a coordinated strategy of making low, slow wage offers and at the same trying to paint ASEs as greedy and rowdy. Today we asked them to explain their wage offers and we heard, “we had to start somewhere.” Meanwhile, we showed Admin charts that show UW falling far behind the market of peer public institutions in ASE wages. It’s time to change this.
See you tomorrow at the Last Chance Regents Rally!
- Sign up for your first picket shift
- Come to a Strike Captain training or Town Hall
- Come to the May Monthly Membership Meeting Thursday (5/9)
- Join a Strike Prep Committee
- Check out our linktree
In solidarity,
Your ASE Bargaining Team
Natalie Wellen (Applied Mathematics)
Anastasia Schaadhardt (Information School)
Candice Young (Molecular & Cellular Biology)
Francesca Colonnese (English)
Jayden Wood (Mechanical Engineering)
Justin Applegate (Biochemistry)
Natasha Crepeau (Mathematics)
Nelson Niu (Mathematics)
Peter Lindquist (Earth & Space Sciences)
Miro Stuke (Environmental & Forest Sciences)
Soohyung Hur (Geography)
Tahiyat Rahman (Physics)
Yuying Xie (Geography)