Dear UAW Member, Please take a few minutes today to complete this year’s Equity Survey, which closes May 31, 2022. Once you’re done, please also fill out this short form to make sure you get removed from reminders. The survey was developed jointly by UW and UAW to assess what working conditions and climate are like for Academic Student Employees and Postdocs from underrepresented groups, assess UW’s progress on inclusion efforts, learn what forms of support/reporting are most effective and figure out what areas still need attention. In order to develop a long-term assessment, the survey is administered jointly between UW and our union each year. The results will be analyzed by a joint committee of UW and UAW members who will also recommend further steps for promoting equity, inclusion, transparency and accountability. Strong participation from across all three UW campuses is important so that the data collected are comprehensive and that subsequent equity programming is as data-driven and representative as possible. Please note that the survey contains questions concerning harassment and discrimination. It’s anonymous and all questions are optional. The survey will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete and can be taken only once. To get more information or access support, please contact UW SafeCampus. Your union representative is also available to help. In Solidarity, |