Please take a few minutes today to complete this short survey about applying for PI status as a Postdoc.  

  • Have you participated in grant preparation or other external fundraising?
  • Have you played the role of PI or co-PI? Were you credited as such?
  • Have you struggled to navigate UW administrative policies to get official recognition for your role?
  • Do you believe these are critical opportunities for your Postdoc experience?

The UAW Postdoc PI Taskforce needs your input.

Grant writing and project management are essential career skills for most Postdocs. For that reason, all Postdocs should have the opportunity to write and manage grants and receive training corresponding to these skills. Formal recognition for these efforts comes in the form of having “Principal Investigator” or PI status on the project. However, the policies for gaining PI status are determined at the department level, and are often unclear, poorly documented, and even non-existent.

We are organizing for more transparent and equitable grant writing and PI opportunities for all Postdocs on campus.

You can help!

We are collecting documentation on the approval process across different Departments and Colleges into one location to provide guidance to fellow and future Postdocs. We are also collecting testimonials from current and past Postdocs regarding their experiences applying for PI status, to get a sense of lived experiences navigating this process.

Please share your experiences (good or bad) and knowledge in this survey: 

And please encourage your fellow Postdocs to fill out this survey. The more input we have, the better we can serve you, and the better we can make our collective case to the university administration. For more info or to get involved, email

In solidarity,

UAW Postdoc PI Taskforce
Colleen Hoffman
Trevor Harrison
Braeden VanDeynze
Staci Amburgey
Erin Morgan
Matt Crane
Max Friedfeld
Maria Hugh