Tomorrow (Monday, April 25th) is our next membership meeting, which will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the HUB Lyceum. Doors open at 5:00 p.m.
Proposed Agenda
The main order of business will be to consider the bylaws amendment first introduced at the membership meeting on March 10th. At the last meeting on April 12th, members voted to adjourn the meeting until a larger space could be secured. The proposed agenda for tomorrow’smeeting is therefore as follows:
1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of previous minutes
3. Approval of Proposed Rules for Debate (see below)
4. Consideration of Amendment to the Local Union Bylaws
a) Bylaws Committee Report
b) Continuation of Debate
5. Adjourn
Checking In
Doors will open at 5:00 p.m. Check in will be conducted at the door of the Lyceum, at several tables to accommodate large numbers of attendees. Members’ names will be cross-checked against a list, and membership may be obtained by filling out a membership election form. Please note that only union members in good standing will be permitted to participate in meeting action item and votes.
Proposed Rules of Debate
Since the last meeting we’ve received a number of very thoughtful comments and suggestions about how to structure the debate at the meeting, so that we respect the right of individuals to engage in open-ended debate but also respect the time constraints of individuals who wish to participate but face family, work or personal obligations. We’ve attempted to synthesize these into a proposed format, which members will vote on at the meeting tomorrow:
- As per Roberts Rules of order, all members wishing to speak must be recognized by the chair before doing so. Any member wishing to speak will raise their hand and a stack will be taken in a manner visible to all in the room. In the interest of facilitating participation from a diversity of voices the chair may choose to recognize speakers who have yet to speak before recognizing those who have already done so. Microphones will be available to anyone wishing to speak.
- The Bylaws Committee will present its report on the amendment under consideration at this meeting and thereby move the proposed amendment for consideration, debate and voting by the membership.
- To begin debate on the proposed bylaws amendments the chair will recognize four speakers in favor of the amendment and four speakers against, alternating (1 for and 1 against). To facilitate more members having the opportunity to speak, during debate, all speakers will be limited to three minutes per turn. The authors of the amendment will have the opportunity to speak first in favor of the amendment. Members who wish to ask questions or remain neutral may speak in rotation as well. After four speakers in favor and four speakers against have been heard there will be open-ended debate until (a) the members present vote to end debate (by a 2/3 majority vote) or (b) 8:00 PM, whichever occurs first. Members will vote on the motion by secret ballot. At 8:30 (when our room reservation expires) voting will end. The Elections Committee will count the votes and notify members of the results.
- To accommodate the work, family, and personal lives of all members who wish to participate in the debate and voting, anyone may vote at any time after checking in and after a process for debate and voting has been adopted. Members may vote by dropping their ballots in the boxes distributed around the room. That way, members may decide for themselves how much debate is appropriate for them to make an informed choice without limiting the opportunities of others to engage in additional debate.
This information is posted on the online forum. Please feel free to comment or suggest.
Childcare Information
We will provide childcare for any member wishing to bring children to the meeting. Providers will be on site and will have crafts and snacks available from 5:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.
To ensure we have sufficient space and support, please RSVP as soon as possible to, and let us know the number of children you plan to bring and their ages.
We want to thank again the many members of differing viewpoints who have helped shape tomorrow’s meeting. We’re looking forward to a fair, respectful and democratic meeting. Don’t miss it!
In Solidarity,
Douglas Avella
Matt Bellinger
Ying-Yu Chen
Kristen Dew
Toni Ferro
Kristen Garofali
Alli Germain
Robin Gold
Phil Harding
Daniel Hart
Bob Hodges
Arshiya Hoseyni Chime
Kristin Lindenmuth
Dylan Mayer
Elizabeth Mills
David Parsons
Michelle Pham
Viral Shah
Sam Sumpter