Welcome back from Spring Break! We have some important updates to share about our continued efforts to mobilize for an inclusive, supportive campus. As you probably have seen, we’ve been taking action to mitigate the impacts of the Trump Administration’s targeting of immigrants, PoC communities, science funding, LGBTQ members, health care, and so on. But as the Trump administration continues to escalate, we’re going to need to continue to mobilize and involve a strong majority of our members. In Spring quarter we’ll have several opportunities to do this.
First, the vote to ratify our initial bargaining goals continues. For more information on the vote, look here. If you’re willing to help connect with other UAW members about this vote, please contact us. Your ballot may be in your spam folder, so be sure to check there as well. And if you didn’t receive your ballot, please request one here!
Next Wednesday, April 5th we will be hosting authors and organizers Jane McAlevey and Jonathan Rosenblum, along with Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant and activists from UAW 4121. McAlevey and Rosenblum will be discussing their recent books profiling organizing successes and the challenges facing social and labor movements. This will be a great opportunity to talk strategy for mobilizing for our major actions at the end of April and beyond. For more details and to RSVP, look here.
April 22nd is the Seattle Science March – join other UAW 4121 members and thousands of others as we march from Cal Anderson park to Seattle Center in celebration of our passion for science and the many ways science serves our communities and our world. If you want to get involved in our work to mobilize for the Science March, join us today (3/28) at 4:30pm in the Physics & Astronomy building (PAA) room A212. The Trump administration’s attacks on science intersect with his attacks on PoC communities, transgender folks, immigrants, healthcare and more. The Science March is another extension of this resistance. All are welcome! For more information on the march look here. To help mobilize other UAW 4121 members for the march, please contact us at uaw4121@uaw4121.org.
On May 1st we will be joining other organizations and unions around the country in participating in May Day, a day of action and resistance. As you may know, we passed a resolution for a general strike at our last membership meeting and hope to continue building support. We will be in touch soon with further plans and preparations. If you have any questions, talk to your steward. If you want to get involved in our work group to support May Day efforts, please contact us at uaw4121@uaw4121.org.
We hope you will join us at one or more of these upcoming events and actions!
In Solidarity,
Theresa Aliwarga
Douglas Avella-Castro
Andrea Canini
Anthony Castanza
Ying-Yu Chen
Monica Cortes Viharo
Kristen Garofali
Arshiya Hoseyni Chime
Katya Kolesova
Dylan Mayer
Elizabeth Mills
Chelsea Pagan
David Parsons
Michelle Pham
Shua Sanchez
Viral Shah
Sam Sumpter
Arash Tarkhan
Judy Twedt