UAW 4121

April Monthly Membership Meeting

As a reminder, our next membership meeting will be Thursday 4/14 from 5-6pm via Zoom. To access the link and/or call-in number, please fill out this short form. All members in good standing are encouraged to attend, and anyone who is not yet a member can sign up here beforehand. Everyone is encouraged to login five minutes earlier to help expedite the check-in process. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  • Approve agenda & minutes
  • Organizing updates
  • Housing Justice Survey
  • Elections Committee
  • EPIC Takeover

Any member who would like to propose additional agenda items or submit materials for the meeting is welcome to email by 5pm on Wednesday, April 13. All members in good standing are encouraged to attend, and anyone who is not yet a member can sign up here beforehand. For more information about how the meeting will be structured and how you can use Zoom’s features to participate, check out this page on our website.

Undergrad TAs win $50,000 through collective action!

Undergrad TAs of the School of Computer Science & Engineering 14x series recently won a huge victory through organizing and collective action, as detailed in this op-ed in the UW Daily!

Despite being an integral component of the department’s large 14x class series, undergrad TAs had not been paid for their training, and were being asked to do unpaid TA work (holding “grading parties”) during a course that TAs were mandated to sign up for. This was a clear violation of our contract, and union members in CSE organized to address this. They filed a grievance with management in the fall quarter, and through countless 1-to-1 conversations with other TAs they turned out nearly 200 TAs to sign onto a petition.

Ultimately through strong organizing, members moved UW administration to agree to fully pay undergrad TAs for training going forward, as well as to guarantee back pay of $420 for each TA, totaling over $50,000. This victory is just one example of the power of collective action,1-to-1 organizing, and a strong contract. holds for us as a union. To get involved in organizing in your department, reach out to the organizing committees: for Academic Student Employees ( for the undergrad organizing committee), and for Postdocs.  

Day of Action in Solidarity with Starbucks Workers

Earlier this month, Starbucks workers at Broadway & Denny in Seattle voted unanimously to form a union, making them the 7th Starbucks location to unionize with Starbucks Workers United, and the first on the west coast. This is an incredible show of solidarity from Starbucks workers in Seattle, who have joined with others in a recent wave of unionization drives at Starbucks locations across the country.

However, Starbucks executives continue to engage in union busting — retaliating against organizers, cutting employee hours, and more — and the fight for unionization continues. Saturday, April 23 at 1pm at Cal Anderson Park, join Starbucks Workers, fellow UAW 4121 members, and many others in our broader community for a rally and march in solidarity with ongoing organizing efforts. RSVP here!

Housing Survey Closes TOMORROW

Time is running out to participate in the Housing Survey! It’s critical for every Academic Student Employee and Postdoc to participate, even if you don’t live in Seattle. If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes now to fill it out before it closes TOMORROW, Friday April 8th at 11:59pm.

Building on initial housing issues identified at last December’s membership meeting, our Housing Justice Working Group is organizing to ensure everyone has secure housing and a meaningful say in their housing conditions. The more people who participate in the survey, the more compelling the results will be — both for identifying patterns of issues that are impacting members, and for building a clear collective mandate to address them.

This is also a great chance to connect with your peers to have meaningful conversations about housing, and how they relate to the support we deserve from our departments and UW. Fill out this short form to get involved in organizing around the housing survey, and a Housing Justice Working Group organizer will follow up with you!

Support UW Librarians in Bargaining

UW Libraries and Press staff with UW Libraries Union have been bargaining a first contract with UW admin for months — please take a minute to sign the petition in support of their fight for a living wage!

UW Libraries and Press staff play a critical role at the UW — providing expertise in a vast number of topics; supporting research, grants, and tutorials; and other important work that advances the University’s research and instruction missions. Despite this, they are some of the lowest paid research university libraries & press professionals in the country. Higher salaries and better working conditions are ways to address retention, and advance equity, diversity, and inclusion at UW Libraries & UW Press. Please sign on today in solidarity with the UW Libraries Union!

EPIC is Hiring – Postdoc Positions Available!

Empowering Prevention and Inclusive Communities (EPIC) is hiring for two Postdoc Training Specialist Positions! Postdoc Training Specialists focus on working with the UW Postdoctoral Scholar community and will build on the EPIC program that was originally developed in 2018-2019. The Training Specialist role is between a 20-40% FTE position. You can apply on UW Hires (UW Requisition #204931).

The EPIC program is an innovative peer-to-peer harassment prevention training program jointly run between our union and the university, and is a major win from recent ASE and Postdoc contract campaigns. Training Specialists will have the opportunity to work with a team to develop, implement, and evaluate the EPIC program, which includes information regarding sexual harassment, discrimination, intersectional power dynamics, bystander intervention strategies, response options, UW policies and procedures, and union rights. If you have questions, reach out to any of the current training specialists at

Postdoc Childcare Fund Enrollment is Now Open

As part of our Postdoc collective bargaining agreement, our Caregiver fund helps support Postdoc caregivers. The Postdoc Family Friendly Working Group has finalized a reimbursement system for the $50,000 Postdoc Childcare Fund. Disbursement of the 2022 fund will happen twice, in May and November. Please visit the UAW 4121 Caregiver fund website for enrollment and eligibility information and the disbursement calendar for 2022.

Please fill out the enrollment form by April 18th, 2022 to be eligible to receive funds in May. Eligibility and amounts given will be need-based and determined after responses are collected. Email the Family Friendly Workgroup if you have any questions, or visit the caregiving fund website for more information.

In Solidarity,
Douglas Avella-Castro
Julia Ball
Nicholas Bolten
Amanda Clouser
Kate Conroy
Max Friedfeld
Vern Harner
Colleen Hoffman
Levin Kim
Brianne King
Avi Matarasso
Erin Morgan
Emily Myers
Amal Nanavati
Anzela Niraula
Nayon Park
Marissa Parker
Anastasia Schaadhardt
Solmaz Shakerifard
Sam Sumpter
Samantha Thompson
Braeden Van Deynze
Yuying Xie
Momona Yamagami
Christian Zimmermann