Contract Ratification Vote Results
The voting period for the contract ratification has ended, and the Election Committee has tabulated and certified the results. The results are:
Yes: 2120
No: 36
98% voted in favor of ratifying the proposed contract.
In solidarity,
UAW 4121 Election Committee
Monica Cortes Viharo
Dharma Dailey
Patrick Lenning
John Lurie
Nathaniel McVicar
Tentative Agreement Reached and Strike Averted!
May 5, 6:36pm PDT
The bargaining committee has put together a summary of the tentative agreement. You can find that summary here.
The bargaining committee will also be holding information sessions for members who want to learn more about the tentative agreement. They will be:
- Wednesday (5/6) –
10-11am – Chemistry Building 439
5:30-6:30 – Comm 126 - Thursday (5/7) –
1-2pm – Comm 126
5:30-6:30pm – South Lake Union E130 A - Monday (5/11) –
4:30-5:30pm – Foege 110
If you’d like to hold your own department meeting, please email and a bargaining committee member will come to your meeting.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email the bargaining committee at:
Contract Ratification FAQRequest a Ballot
Tentative Agreement
May 01, 6:14pm PDT
You can find the text of the tentative agreement with the University here.
Contract Ratification Vote
May 01, 4:32pm PDT
The bargaining committee has reached an agreement with the University on a new contract. Full details of the new contract will be made available shortly. Members will have the opportunity to vote on ratifying the new contract May 7 through May 14, either online or in person.
Online Voting
Members will receive a unique link to an online ballot via email at 9:00 am on May 7. Please make sure that is in your accepted senders list, and look for “UAW4121CRV – Link to online ballot” in the subject line. If you do not receive an email link by 9:30 am on May 7, you can request one here. The online voting system will close at 11:00 pm PDT on May 14.
In-person Voting
A polling station will be open in the Mary Gates Hall Commons during the following times:
A polling station will also be open from 4:15 – 6:00 pm on Thursday 5/14 at Bagley 154 (the site of the union’s membership meeting).
In solidarity,
UAW Local 4121 Election Committee
Monica Cortes Viharo
Dharma Dailey
Patrick Lenning
John Lurie
Nathaniel McVicar
Tentative Agreement Reached and Strike Averted!
April 30, 10:46pm PDT
Waiver of the Building Fee – and thus the entirety of tuition – for the first time ever. This fee is currently $152 per quarter (more for some programs) and is projected to steadily increase over the next three years, but our tentative contract waives this fee in its entirety.
Certain student-approved fees (SFR and U-Pass) will become required fees for all ASEs, however the University agreed to a lump sum $150 payment to 50% ASEs in 2015 which will offset this.
Overall, out-of-pocket fees will be reduced by 19% (or more, depending on program) for most 50% FTE ASEs.
Another victory on the path to $15 an hour: Hourly ASE wages in every work location (not just Seattle) will increase to a minimum of $12.50 on January 1, followed by a minimum 2% increase on July 1st, 2016 (nearly 20% compared to pre-April 1 minimum rate). We expect and will continue to fight for the minimum to increase to $15 by January 1, 2017.
Building on prior victories, for Graduate Student Service Appointments wages will increase 24% compounded over the next three years in base rate departments. We expect this will also drive increases above the minimum 6% in variable pay departments.
Health care benefits are locked in for 3 years, with $0 premiums, and the University has agreed to significant increases to transparency and accountability, including a process for considering another insurance company.
Childcare subsidies will increase by $200/quarter.
The University will build/re-purpose 26 all-gender bathrooms and provide adequate access to all-gender bathrooms for all ASEs.
The University will provide and publicize private, clean lactation facilities, and provide adequate break time.
ASEs can pursue grievances and the Union and University can jointly create trainings with the goal of eliminating microaggressions on campus.
Having a 3 year contract duration maximizes the number of rank-and-file members who have the opportunity to participate in the democratic bargaining process while they’re at UW.
Many of you may know or at least recognize UW custodian Salvador Castillo, who has tirelessly advocated for workers at UW. The University is threatening to fire Salvador–and this is especially grotesque given UW’s ongoing understaffing of custodial positions.