As you know, our Local has filed a demand to bargain with the University to improve protections in our contract for immigrants, international students, and others impacted by the Trump administration’s executive orders. To ensure a strong position going into bargaining, it will be critical to have solid majority support for our bargaining goals, which you can read more about here. A strong show of support now is also critical to building our collective power and momentum going into bargaining our entire contract next year.

If you haven’t already, please take a moment to vote now in support of our goals! Your ballot should be in your inbox (or spam folder) with “UAW4121BGV” in the subject line. If you can’t find your ballot, you can request one here.

Our first day of bargaining is scheduled for this Thursday, April 6 at 9am in Roosevelt Commons West 271. All bargaining sessions are open to all members in good standing, so please attend if you can! For updates about future bargaining sessions, stay tuned to your email and check our bargaining page on the website.

In Solidarity,

Theresa Aliwarga
Douglas Avella-Castro
Andrea Canini
Anthony Castanza
Ying-Yu Chen
Monica Cortes Viharo
Kristen Garofali
Arshiya Hoseyni Chime
Katya Kolesova
Dylan Mayer
Elizabeth Mills
Chelsea Pagan
David Parsons
Michelle Pham
Shua Sanchez
Viral Shah
Sam Sumpter
Arash Tarkhan
Judy Twedt