Join the Graduate and Professional Student Senate and the ASUW Office of Government Relations at Huskies on the Hill – 2015 Lobby Day!
Register Today at:
WHAT: Students are busing to Olympia to lobby elected representatives for continued state funding of the UW. Graduate and Professional students will be sharing our posters, published articles and other presentations with legislators, to highlight the UW’s societal impact as a research institution.
WHY? This year’s State Legislature must find approximately $2 Billion or more for K-12 education, which means funding for Higher Education – including the UW – could be cut. Join other Graduate and Professional students to advocate against cuts in UW funding, prevent tuition increases, maintain funding for TA/RA positions, and preserve educational quality and access!
WHEN: Friday, February 6th, 2015. We will leave the UW in free buses at 9am, and will return to campus around approximately 5:30pm. Training sessions will be offered in the days leading up to Lobby Day, and at 8amin the morning on February 6th.
LUNCH & TRANSPORTATION: Free vegetarian, vegan and meat-friendly lunches will be provided to all attendees. Free buses will leave the UW Seattle campus to transport attendees to/from Olympia.
REGISTRATION: All students interested in attending this year’s Lobby Day MUST register with your UWNetID through an online Catalyst survey here:
POSTER SESSION: This is a great opportunity for Graduate and Professional students network and share your research and ideas with legislators. This year’s poster session will take place in the later afternoon, in a House Hearing room on the Legislature’s Olympia Campus.
QUESTIONS / INFORMATION: For more information or any questions, please contact Rod Palmquist, GPSS Organizing Director at or (206) 412-2014.