May Day is shaping up to be a powerful day of resistance both at UW and in the larger Seattle community! If you haven’t already, sign our open letter to President Cauce declaring your support for the day and intent to take action, and then make plans to attend. This Friday April 27 at 3pm, the bargaining committee will host an open meeting to discuss plans for moving forward with bargaining — please make it if you can (location TBD)!
The May 1st Action Coalition is asking all workers to take the day off and participate in the rally and march commencing at Judkins Park and continuing to Seattle Center. Before joining the rally and march we’ll take action around our bargaining demands at 11:00 AM sharp on Red Square. Check below for a schedule of the day — we hope you can make it!
11AM, Red Square, Push Bargaining Demands: Prior to heading to the march, we’ll take action to raise the profile of our bargaining demands — in particular the urgent demands that the UW make special considerations for summer funding for international students impacted by the travel bans, and that they create “Impact Funds” to provide support for legal, administrative, travel, health care, family & child care, housing, and other expenses related to travel ban impacts and to support undocumented students and workers. Please meet on Red Square outside Gerberding a few minutes before 11!
11AM-1PM, Judkins Park, May Day Rally: Rally at Judkins Park, including learning about the history of May 1st, the struggle for immigrant rights and workers rights, and the inseparability of our anti-oppression efforts in an era of Trump.
1:00 Sharp – Step off from Judkins Park to commence May Day March! The march will be 4.6 miles and runs from Judkins Park to Fisher Green at the Seattle Center. During the march, we’ll send location updates via Twitter.
3:30-6PM, Fisher Green at Seattle Center, Cultural Program & Celebration: Terminal point of the march where there will be a cultural program including celebratory music, dance, drumming, and food carts.
To RSVP & coordinate with others who are participating, check out our Facebook event page. If you know of other actions or events happening on May Day, please let us know at
In Solidarity,
Theresa Aliwarga
Douglas Avella-Castro
Andrea Canini
Anthony Castanza
Ying-Yu Chen
Monica Cortes Viharo
Kristen Garofali
Arshiya Hoseyni Chime
Katya Kolesova
Dylan Mayer
Elizabeth Mills
Chelsea Pagan
David Parsons
Michelle Pham
Shua Sanchez
Viral Shah
Sam Sumpter
Arash Tarkhan
Judy Twedt