What: Keep Urging Your Legislator to Protect Higher Education and Other Critical Services
When: Today! 

As you no doubt have heard, the Republican-led Senate bloc in Olympia (who cut higher education funding in their original version of the budget) responded to public pressure by releasing a new budget last week that maintains overall higher education funding, with no limitations on tuition waivers.  This budget moves closer to matching the House-approved budget, which protects higher education and critical state services.

This is obviously a positive step.  Again thank you to all UAW 4121 members who kept the pressure on by calling your legislators or phoning other constituents in swing districts.

But we can’t rest yet.

Until the budget passes a final vote, funding for higher education is subject to change.  Moreover, last week’s proposed budget shifts funding away from other critical services (such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and Disability Lifeline), and reduces pension payments for public employees.  It also leaves intact tax giveaways for organizations who don’t need the help (like large out-of-state banks), and it fails to enact a bond package that could create thousands of jobs in Washington State.

While many lawmakers still are unwilling to enact comprehensive reform that fixes the state’s long-term revenue problem – and ensures that even the wealthy pay their fare share – they can still pass a short-term budget that protects higher ed without sacrificing other critical state services.

Take Action!
Please take 5 minutes to contact your legislators and:

  1. Thank them for supporting higher education
  2. Ask them to continue making it a priority in the budget
  3. Urge them also to protect other critical services, close tax loopholes, and create jobs

As always, contact us is you have any questions or feedback.  Thanks again for all your efforts.