UAW 4121 - UW Works Because We Do

March Membership Meeting Cancelled

This week, King County recommended that in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, organizations should avoid bringing large groups of people together, and consider postponing events and gatherings. Following this guidance, the membership meeting originally scheduled for Thursday 3/12 has been cancelled. Next week, an email will provide updates that are typically reported out at membership meetings, including working group reports.


As the Seattle Chapter of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA) recently reported, there have been an uptick in attacks against the Asian Pacific Islander community in the Seattle area, “based on fear, hysteria and ignorance about COVID-19.” We reject on the strongest terms any such racist or xenophobic reactions to the outbreak, and as always are committed to fighting against these serious issues of discrimination.

Given potential work impacts stemming from the COVID-19 outbreak in the Seattle area, the UAW 4121 Health and Safety Working Group is actively coordinating with other UW unions on a joint response and action plan to ensure UW workers’ health and safety. We will send more information very soon as this situation develops. In the meantime, any ASE or Postdoc who has concerns about impacts to their work, including issues of discrimination, should email to get support.

Equity Survey Debrief

The equity survey closed last week with over 2,700 people participating, more than double the participation from last year. This is all thanks to everyone who took the time to participate and all the organizers who worked to raise participation in their departments. The time members took to fill out the survey will help everyone learn about what the needs of our membership are and what we need to do to make UW a better place to work and learn for everyone. Once the data has been analyzed, a report will be released similar to the report from last year. In the meantime, if you have specific problems around equity and harassment you would like to address please reach out to the Anti-Discrimination working group.

Vote! Vote! Vote!

Remember to cast your ballot for Washington’s Presidential Primary by 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10. You must choose a party (marked on the front of your ballot) in order to participate in the nomination process. This will not affect how you may vote in future elections. You can register to vote in person up until 8:00 p.m. on March 10 at the Election Annex in downtown Seattle. Ballot drop-boxes are located throughout the city, including on campus outside Schmitz Hall. If you are mailing in, your ballot must have a March 10 postmark.

In solidarity,

UAW 4121 Joint Council
Tina Angerer
Douglas Avella-Castro
Leandro Casiraghi
Monica Cortés Viharo
Meg Drouhard
Max Friedfeld
Vern Harner
Dan Hart
Sam Kastner
Kyle Kubler
Kristin McCowan
Emily Myers
Anzela Niraula
Jacob O’Connor
Nayon Park
Marissa Parker
David Parsons
Cristian Proistosescu
Shua Sanchez
Paige Sechrest
Solmaz Shakerifard
Sam Sumpter
Judy Twedt
Jon Witt

UAW 4121 | UW Works Because We Do