Know Your Rights – Hourly ASEs

All Hourly ASEs Are Covered By the Following:

Non-Discrimination & Harassment

You have strong protections against discrimination and harassment to ensure that UW remains welcoming and accessible to all populations. Our contract includes:

  • Protection against discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment, microaggressions, hostile workplaces, and retaliation
  • Robust complaint process for harassment issues, including interim measures to support you during the course of an investigation
  • Guaranteed access to safe and comfortable all-gender restrooms
  • Access to Empowering Prevention & Inclusive Communities (EPIC) training. EPIC is a peer-led training focusing on prevention strategies for all kinds of harassment & discrimination in the academic setting.
Dispute Resolution / Grievance Procedure

You have access to a strong grievance procedure with neutral third party arbitration and union representation throughout the process.

Workload & Academic Excellence

Hourly ASEs cannot be required to work any unpaid hours.

Right to Representation

As a unionized worker you have the unequivocal right to representation in any discussion where you face discipline or termination.

Appointment Security

You are entitled to keep any ASE appointment the University has offered you, even if something changes (e.g. funding goes away or a course is cancelled).


The current contractual minimum wage for all hourly employees is $19.97. On July 1, 2024, the minimum increases by 8%; on July 1, 2025, the minimum increases by an additional 5%; and on July 1, 2026, the minimum increases by a further 5%. All departments and hiring units are required to post hourly rates on their websites.

Hourly Wage Transparency


All bargaining unit employees will receive a free U-Pass. U-PASS can be used on any public transportation including busses, light rail, water ferry and more. For full details, visit


You are eligible for $1560 per quarter for qualifying childcare expenses if you do not already receive support through the UW Childcare Assistance Program. UW provides $70,200 per year for this program. You are also entitled to access lactation stations: for locations, check out

Paid Family Leave

You are entitled to up to 12 weeks of paid family leave if you worked 820 hours in the prior year.

Paid Sick Days

You are entitled to paid sick and safe days and to care for family members at a rate of 1 hour for every 40 hours worked.

Health and Safety

You are entitled to healthy and safe working conditions. UW is required to provide PPE and other safety precautions to you at no cost.


You can access the full 2021–2024 collective bargaining agreement at The 2024–2027 collective bargaining agreement will be posted shortly.

If you experience problems in any of these areas, please get in contact with us immediately, even if you’ve already contacted another campus resource or aren’t sure what you’d like to do. A union representative can help you figure out your options, and will advocate for you.

Questions? Problems?

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