Election Deadline
Reminder, the deadline to accept nomination in our union’s election for
At-Large Bargaining Team positions is tomorrow (2/12/2015) at 5 PM. For more details please see the election notice here.
Our next bargaining team meetings with the university will be Wednesday, February 18 and Thursday February 19, in Condon Hall room 311 (times TBD). All UAW 4121 members are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you can’t make it, please follow the process by reading updates on our website. You can always give input or ask questions via email. You can find a list of scheduled bargaining meetings here or on our calendar.
Work Group Meetings
There will be micro-aggressions, health care, and academic excellence work groups meetings in the next week. For more information on upcoming work group meetings please consult the events section on our website or our calendar. For more information on any of the work groups, please click here.