Dear UAW Member,
Title IX Public Comments
Wednesday (1/30), on behalf of UAW higher education local unions that represent Postdoctoral Scholars and Academic Researchers (UAW 5810) and Academic Student Employees (UAW 2865) at the University of California, at the California State University system (UAW 4123), and at the University of Washington (UAW 4121), International Union UAW submitted comments expressing their opposition to the Department of Education’s plans to weaken protections against sexual assault and harassment (Title IX protections).
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Local’s push for strong public comments by submitting individual public comments regarding Secretary DeVos’ proposed changes to Title IX, and to those who showed up in mass numbers to weigh in with UW.
WFSE Strike Update
UW workers with WFSE 1488 and 3488 – representing custodians, trades and maintenance workers – rejected the last contract offer made by UW Administration in September 2018. Moreover, since March of last year, Consolidated Laundry workers have been fighting against the privatization and loss of their jobs. At our last membership meeting we approved this resolution of support, drafted by the Local 4121 Defense Committee. 4121 is in solidarity with WFSE members!
WFSE has reached tentative agreement, and members are voting this week to decide whether to accept the agreement or strike. Be on the lookout for additional actions you can take to support other campus workers as their contract campaign progresses!
Vote for a 4121 Member for Labor Award
MLK Labor, the labor council for King County unions, is having an event in February to celebrate the accomplishments of the labor community over the past year. They will be giving out awards to exceptional rank-and-file members, and Paige Sechrest from Political Science has been nominated for our Local! Paige has consistently been a strong leader in her department and during bargaining last spring, and has been doing incredible work in the development of our new sexual harassment prevention trainings. MLK Labor will be determining award winners based on an open vote, so please take a second now to vote for Paige!
BLM Week with
Seattle Education Association
This week (2/4 – 2/8), Seattle Education Association (SEA) will be participating in Black Lives Matter Week of Action. This is the third year SEA is taking part in this effort with the following demands: 1) end “zero tolerance” discipline and implement restorative justice, 2) hire more black teachers, 3) mandate black history and ethnic studies in K-12 curriculum, and 4) fund counselors not cops. Join the efforts:
Today’s (2/4) event (Teaching for Black Lives Gathering) is cancelled;
Join the NAACP Youth Coalition’s mobilization at the Seattle School Board meeting in support of #BlackLivesMatterAtSchool demands on Wednesday (2/6), 4:45-6:30pm at the John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence;
Attend the final BLM at School rally and student showcase on Friday (2/8), 6-8pm at Cleveland High School.
Seattle General Strike Week
There are a number of events planned this week (2/4 – 2/9) to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Seattle General Strike and the Centralia Tragedy. Check them out here!
Workgroup Reports
There are currently a number of active working groups that are meeting to discuss, develop campus and community action plans, and provide support in areas important to student workers. These groups provide a great way for members to get involved, and no prior experience is necessary! Check out the Local Union calendar for upcoming meetings, and as always feel free to reach out to current work group members with any questions, suggestions, or to find out more:
- Political – Questionnaires have been sent out to all Seattle City Council candidates in consideration of our Union’s endorsement. All UAW 4121 members will have the opportunity to weigh in on these decisions: and in particular plan to vote on the District 4 (U-District) endorsement in February. To get involved, contact:
- Join MLK Labor for door knocking Feb 9th in support of Seattle students and educators through the Seattle Public Schools Levies, which are both up for renewal in February.
- Housing Justice – Active in a number of campaigns to address the housing affordability crisis in Seattle, and partnering with Be:Seattle, Tenants Rights Union of Washington, and Councilmember Kshama Sawant’s office, for two Tenant’s Rights bootcamps in the U-District (Feb. 13 & Feb. 23).
- Trans Equity – Continuing to develop a UW-specific trans resource guide, and working with local labor and trans groups to organize stronger community coalitions and support. Contact to learn more or get involved.
- Healthcare – Continuing to gather information regarding members’ experiences with GAIP, and will be setting up the annual joint healthcare meeting with UW. If you have any questions, input, or would like to get involved, email:
- Contract Enforcement – Continuing to assist workers who are experiencing workplace violations. If you think your rights may have been violated or would like to get involved, email:
In solidarity,
Douglas Avella-Castro
Dianne Baumann
Andrea Canini
Monica Cortes Viharo
Meg Drouhard
Dan Hart
Katya Kolesova
Dylan Mayer
Mandy McCourt
Kristin McCowan
Emily Myers
Maria Nelson
Jacob O’Connor
David Parsons
Shua Sanchez
Maddie Smith
Sam Sumpter
Judy Twedt
Jon Witt |