There has been some excellent, thoughtful discussion about the recently proposed bylaws amendments these past few weeks throughout campus, and members have been asking for a repository of information and opinions. This is a link to an online forum on, where members can express their thoughts and questions regarding the proposed bylaws amendments. We hope this will help facilitate a wider discussion in advance of the next membership meeting on Monday, 4/25.  Members of the Election Committee will help moderate the online discussion, if necessary.

The first post on this site outlines some proposed guidelines and etiquette for discussion. Please adhere to these guidelines to facilitate a thought-provoking, constructive discussion. Also members continue to provide good suggestions about the next membership meeting – please keep sending feedback!

In Solidarity,

UAW Local 4121 Executive Board/Bargaining Committee

Douglas Avella
Matt Bellinger
Ying-Yu Chen
Kristen Dew
Toni Ferro
Kristen Garofali
Alli Germain
Robin Gold
Phil Harding
Daniel Hart
Bob Hodges
Arshiya Hoseyni Chime
Kristin Lindenmuth
Dylan Mayer
Elizabeth Mills
David Parsons
Michelle Pham
Viral Shah
Sam Sumpter