The ratification vote on our Tentative Agreement (TA) closes TOMORROW at 7pm.
This Tentative Agreement (TA) that is being presented to membership for ratification is a direct result of thousands of members coming together to build power and organizing capacity in unprecedented numbers over the last 3 years. Our ASE Bargaining Team has endorsed voting YES to ratifying this contract to secure the concrete gains in this contract and immediately enact plans to win even more during our next round of contract negotiations.
One of the highlights in the TA is a new article on Immigration with reappointment rights and paid leave for immigration-related appointments, which were the top priorities for concrete non-citizen ASE support that members indicated throughout the contract campaign. While this is clearly not enough to address the structural inequities that non-citizen ASEs must navigate on a daily basis, this new article sets a solid foundation with concrete tools to start rebalancing the extreme power imbalance between non-citizen ASEs and the institutions that regulate immigrants’ lives.
Our ASE Bargaining Team endorsed voting Yes as a commitment to build together on the gains in this contract to win more by developing our collective capacity by organizing new workers, winning ambitious department and issue-based campaigns, strengthening our networks of solidarity and communication with each other, and more. As always, our collective power is dependent on every single one of us building our union together. Please be on the lookout for additional information on getting involved in department campaigns, workgroups, and more in tomorrow’s email!
Voting is open to all ASE members–find the link to vote here if you haven’t received it in your inbox.
Please also be aware of these other resources:
- Information Sessions
- Bargaining Team Office Hour Sessions
- FAQ on Ratification
- Statements on Ratification (Bargaining Team & Members)
- Tentative Agreement Highlights
- Additional Tentative Agreement Summaries: