Thursday, July 21st (5:00 pm, Burien City Hall – 400 SW 152nd St): Attend the meeting of the King County Council, and urge them to save public transportation.

RSVP here:

[contact-form subject=”RSVP: Save Metro Transit” to=””] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Phone Number” type=”text” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Email” type=”text” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Transportation” type=”radio” required=”true” options=”I need a ride!, I can drive and take others!, I’ll drive myself.” /] [/contact-form]

Tell Me More!

King County Metro is considering cutting public transportation by nearly 17%. As revenues from sales tax has declined and no progressive alternatives are in place to make up the revenue shortfall, the King County Council needs to enact Dow Constantine’s proposed $20 vehicle license fee to save transportation routes. Around the Seattle campus, routes 66, 67, 72, 73, and 43 are up for elimination, while the 70, 71, 75, 30 and 48 could be significantly reduced [see a complete list here]. Metro cuts could also result in layoffs of hundreds of union jobs.

Come to the final public meeting in Burien Thursday, July 21st to demand that the Council enact the vehicle fee and preserve public transportation!