Great news! Tonight, our Strike Authorization Vote concluded with 401 total votes cast, and 96.3% of Postdoc members voting Yes. A supermajority of Postdoc members have voted to authorize our Bargaining Team to call a strike if circumstances warrant. It’s clear that Postdocs are united in our efforts to stop UW’s unlawful behavior at the bargaining table.


One half of a banner reads: '96.3% voting YES of postdocs who voted' with UAW 4121 logo, other half reads: '91.7% voting YES of RSEs who voted' with UW Researchers United and UAW logos.

What Happens Next
While we remain hopeful that UW will cease its unlawful bargaining and delays and join us in working to create a research environment where all can thrive, this resounding vote makes plain that we are nonetheless prepared to take strong action if UW continues its bad faith tactics. While we continue to show up prepared and willing to bargain in good faith, we cannot bargain effectively if Admin continues changing positions and remaining untransparent. A supermajority of our UW Research Scientists & Engineer A-4 colleagues also voted to authorize their bargaining committee to call a strike should circumstances justify, with 91.7% voting Yes.

Strong Majority Participation is Critical to Winning a Fair Contract
Thank you again to everyone who participated and a big shout-out to those of you who took the time to join on the ground canvassing, make phone calls, and send emails. Strong and engaged participation is truly the most critical and powerful way to demonstrate to UW that we are united in our commitment to winning fair contracts. If you are not yet a union member, we urge you to take a moment to click here to sign your membership card now.

In solidarity,
UWPU/UAW Bargaining Committee
Luci Baker, Mechanical Engineering
Rebecca Bluett, Biochemistry
Brant Bowers, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Tucker Burgin, Chemical Engineering
Pat Erickson, Institute for Protein Design
Jer Steeger, Philosophy