Dear UAW Member,
Donald Trump’s proposed federal budget is soon coming up for debate in Congress. As if his abhorrent actions around immigration (the travel ban), and his recent efforts to sanitize the racist actions of white supremacists in Charlottesville haven’t been enough, his budget — called “America First: Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again” — is a full reflection of his value system. Here are a few of the highlights:
> 22% cut to the National Institutes of Health
> 11% cut to National Science Foundation
> 70% cut to renewable energy research funded by the Department of Energy
> Elimination of the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities
> Adding $1.5 billion to begin construction of a wall on the US/Mexico border
We’re teaming up with UAW Locals around the country to push back, and communicate to our Congress members that we expect them to fight hard to ensure that the budget is in sync with our values and supports our work.
Please sign this letter to your member of congress today to help drive this message home.
We will collect letters from members, and then deliver them to our Washington Congressional delegation in September. Please take action now to make sure this budget is stopped before it gets more traction.
In Solidarity,
Theresa Aliwarga
Douglas Avella-Castro
Andrea Canini
Anthony Castanza
Ying-Yu Chen
Monica Cortes Viharo
Kristen Garofali
Arshiya Hoseyni Chime
Katya Kolesova
Dylan Mayer
Elizabeth Mills
Chelsea Pagan
David Parsons
Michelle Pham
Shua Sanchez
Viral Shah
Sam Sumpter
Arash Tarkhan
Judy Twedt