This afternoon UAW members gathered on the steps of Schmitz Hall for a brief rally before  going in together to pay fees on the Winter Quarter fee/tuition deadline.



We were joined in support by the presidents of ASUW and GPSS, as well as leadership from United Students Against Sweatshops, SEIU Local 925 (classified staff) and AFT Local 6486 (Extension English Language Professors).

While attendees were positive about the University’s recent move to reach agreement over the fees arbitration, the theme of today’s action was that the fight for a truly accessible quality institution is far from over.  Noting that today’s fee/tuition deadline has come to represent a financial boundary separating those who have the means to access public higher education and those who don’t, speakers were unified in their message that the state legislature needs to make full funding for higher education a priority.


As long as tuition/fees increase at the rate of the past few years (over 80% since 2008), access to UW will be restricted, and the working and learning conditions of both UW students and employees on campus will be compromised.

Thanks to everyone who came out today, planned the action and made it happen!  Don’t forget that we’ll start voting on whether to approve the fees agreement next Monday, January 28th.