Coalition Bargaining Rally
- Date: Thursday, August 16th (first day of coalition bargaining!)
- Location: Lower Rainier Vista
- Time: UPDATED — 12pm-1pm
- RSVP: Please fill out this short form to RSVP!
- More info: Join workers from the other UW unions to kick off the first day of coalition bargaining by coming out for a lunchtime rally! Let’s send a strong message to the UW Admin that we demand full transit passes for all UW employees and students. You can check out the Facebook event here.
Hearing and Press Conference on UW Master Plan
- Date: Tuesday, July 31st
- Location: Seattle City Hall, 600 4th Ave
- Time: 9-11am: Hearing (City Hall Suite 3300). 11am-12 noon: Press conference (City Hall Lobby)
- More info: Available here.
Unity Picnics — Solidarity with SEIU 925, SEIU 1199NW, & WFSE 1488
During the first week of August, make it out to lunchtime unity picnics in solidarity with SEIU 925, SEIU 1199NW, and WFSE 1488, who are all currently in the process of bargaining their full contracts. Just as they showed up for us during our contract campaign, it’s now our turn to come out in support of their fights! Picnics will be held on the following dates/locations:
- 8/1, 11am-1pm: Sandpoint, at picnic tables
- 8/2, 11am-1pm: Bothell, at UW Plaza
- 8/2, 11am-1pm: Tacoma, in front of Tioga Library
- 8/8, 11am-1pm: Seattle, HUB lawn
- 8/9, 11am-1pm: Seattle, UW Tower Mezzanine
- 8/10, 11am-1pm: Seattle, Lower Rainier Vista