It’s time to vote for your Head Stewards! Elections for the three open (3) ASE Head Steward positions are now open. You can find all the submitted candidate statements here. To vote, please choose up to three candidates. You should have received your ballot via email. Please email for support if you have trouble accessing your ballot.
Candidates will be chosen using the criteria outlined below, pursuant to Article 38, Section 2 in the International UAW Constitution.
Elections will close on Wednesday, June 9th at 5:00 PM PDT. If all three open positions are not filled according to the methodology explained below, a run-off election will run from June 14th to June 16th.
A Physics Steward vacancy election was originally planned, but due to one of the candidates being a current steward, this is now an uncontested election. Elias Lilleskov and Pyxie Star have been elected to the open positions.
We are pleased to welcome them as the newest ASE Physics Stewards. Congratulations! Check out the listing of all elected union officers on our website here.
In solidarity,
UAW Local 4121 Election Committee 2020-2021
Victor Hu
Sage Scheiwiller
Kirill Tchernyshyov
Vote Methodology for Head Steward Elections
The Elections Committee will be using the following methodology prescribed by the UAW International Constitution as explained in the In7terpretations Section (p. 194) for Article 38, Section 2. The text of that section is as follows:
“Where a Local Union provides in its bylaws that offices not covered by Article 38, Section 1, require a majority of votes rather than a plurality, in cases where there are more than one (1) to be elected to office, example, Bargaining Committee, the following formula will be used when specific rules are not provided to implement the bylaws of the Local:
All votes received by all candidates for office will be totaled. (If there are fifteen (15) running for Committeeperson all votes received by all candidates will be totaled.) This total will then be divided by the number of candidates to be elected. This figure will then be divided by two (2) giving the figure, plus one (1), which is to be considered the majority point. Candidates receiving more votes than this majority figure will be declared elected.
If run-offs are necessary, twice the number of candidates in ranking order for the ranking position to be filled will be placed on the ballot. (Chicago, 3/1/48.)”