Friday, July 12, 2019
Dear Colleague,
Following contract ratification, we are reactivating Working Groups to ensure the needs of all Postdocs are being met. The following Working Groups are looking for interested members. Please let us know which working group(s) you are interested in taking part in by sending an email directly to the group below:
- International Postdocs ( Understand the challenges faced by international Postdocs, and address them in the context of our collective bargaining agreement; advise the UAW 4121 executive board on International Postdoc issues; take part in meetings with UW to discuss issues arising from International Postdoc employment, immigration status, and visas.
- Postdoc Parents ( Supporting the family needs of Postdocs on issues of childcare, parental leave, and more; advise the UAW 4121 executive board on issues that impact Postdoc parents; develop the criteria that UAW 4121 will follow for annual disbursement of the $30,000 childcare subsidy.
- Healthcare ( Advise the UAW 4121 executive board on issues that impact Postdocs and Healthcare. Currently we have a particular focus on Paid-Direct Postdocs who are being denied PEBB-eligible status, so if you are Paid-Direct and are being impacted by this issue we want to hear from you.
- Non-Discrimination and Harassment ( Advise the UAW 4121 executive board on issues surrounding reporting and resources available for Postdocs experiencing discrimination and harassment.
There is a great opportunity for a Postdoc to apply for a new position to develop and lead discimination and sexual harassment trainings per Article 17 of our contract. Anyone with interest in developing these skills and helping to positively influence workplace climate should consider applying and contact us for more information. This is a 0.2 FTE appointment that will begin during the summer, with training implemented in Fall Quarter.
U-PASS Update
UW is still denying Postdocs a free U-PASS, in violation of our contract. This is unacceptable, and we have filed a grievance. Resolving this matter is a top priority. In the meantime, Postdocs may either use standard transit fares (cash/Orca card) or sign up for a U-PASS with payroll deduction through Transportation Services ($25 per pay period). We will communicate updates and any recommended actions as soon as possible. If you have specific questions or concerns, please reach out via email and/or let us know about your concerns, experiences, and any correspondence you’ve had with UW about U-PASS by completing this form.
Still have questions about wages?
- Anyone hired after June 11th should automatically be on the new wage scale.
- If you are below the new wage scale, you will be brought up effective August 1st.
- If you were a senior fellow denied a raise, you will receive a 2% wage increase effective September 1st.
- Finally, your PI can give you a discretionary raise at any time!
If you have further questions, or if you are still being denied a discretionary raise, please contact us!
Finally: The UW recently posted an update about Foreign Influence on Research, which includes guidelines for collaboration with foreign scholars, including international Postdocs. If you are a Postdoc who is impacted by these guidelines, please get in touch at
Remember: the most important step you can take to build power to fight for contract enforcement on issues like the U-PASS denial, is to sign up to become a member, if you haven’t already.
The UW Postdocs United / UAW 4121 Bargaining Committee:
Tina Angerer, Bioengineering
Pamela Baker, Biological Structure
Leandro Casiraghi, Biology
Matthew Crane, Chemistry
Ivan Cruz, Biological Structure
Marina Dütsch, Earth and Space Sciences
Max Friedfeld, Chemistry
Kelly Hines, Medicinal Chemistry
Hannah Horowitz, Atmospheric Sciences
Ajay Jajodia, Medical Genetics
Andrew Jenkins, Chemistry
Michael Mack, Chemistry
Kim Meier, Psychology
Kelly Patton, Physics
Cristi Proistosescu, Joint Institute for the Study of Atmosphere and Ocean
Abdul Basit Shaikh, Pharmaceutics
Michael Taylor, Bioengineering
Jian Wang, Chemistry
Alex White, Psychology
Huajun Xu, Chemistry