Add Your Name to the Initial Bargaining Demands!Last quarter, 2700 members (51.5% of all ASEs) participated in the bargaining survey, sharing a number of important priorities for improving our work and learning at UW — including improvements to wages, fees, health insurance, campus climate, and more. These results serve as the basis for the next stage in the bargaining process — the initial bargaining demands. As with the bargaining survey, engaging as many members as possible will only be possible through thousands of member-to-member connections across UW. There are two key things every member can do to help:
As we approach our first bargaining session in February, it is critical that every single member sign onto the demands to establish a strong mandate going into negotiations. For more info, check out this FAQ or email Community Meeting on Accessibility at UWWhat: Discuss challenges that ASEs who are disabled and/or chronically ill encounter Labor for Kshama Solidarity Rally & Fundraiser
When: Saturday 1/23 at 3PM How to join: RSVP at , and share the Facebook event.
Workshop: White Privilege in the UniversityWhen: Thursday, 01/28, at 5 pm The workshop will take place in two parts. The first half (starting at 5 pm) will be focused on developing a mutual understanding and analysis and the second half (starting at 6 pm) will delve into the application of these concepts to our individual roles within the university structure. While the second half will build on concepts from the first, the two hours will also be designed to stand alone, so feel free to attend either/both hours. We recognize that UW is predominately white, but this workshop is not specific to white people. For this reason, there will be various options for participation within the session and we encourage anyone who is interested to attend. Health & safety protectionsAs the COVID19 pandemic continues and new strains are becoming more common, our work, families, and lives continue to be impacted. In the last year, UAW 4121 members have shown up in force for each other and for our community to take collective action, including by organizing sign-on letters, participating in new working groups, filing grievances, and contributing to solidarity actions and petitions. Both ASE and Postdoc contracts provide that you shall not be required to work in conditions that pose an imminent threat to health and safety (Article 9 of the ASE contract and Article 8 of the Postdoc contract). If you experience any issues, please contact the Contract Enforcement Working Group right away at Members of Contract Enforcement have training and experience with the details and interpretation of both the ASE and Postdoc contracts, knowledge of past issues and how they’ve been resolved, and strategies for addressing problems both formally and informally. Even if you’re not sure if the issue you’re facing is covered by your contract, or if you think it isn’t, please get in touch with Contract Enforcement! In Solidarity, Douglas Avella-Castro |