During our meeting with the University on Wednesday April 8, our bargaining committee continued to discuss the non-economic aspects of our bargaining agenda.
The committee presented proposals on Appointment and Reappointment Notification & Job Description, Childcare, Discipline or Dismissal, as well as Grievance Procedure. The University responded positively to our proposals on several topics, but seemed unmoved by our efforts to increase gender equity in the academy by expanding childcare subsidies. Additionally, today’s session made it clear that the University will require significant pressure to move forward on our proposal to take on issues of institutional oppression and exclusion by incorporating language that would provide ways of grieving microaggressions.
In addition to exchanging proposals on Appointment and Reappointment Notification & Job Description, Discipline or Dismissal, and Grievance Procedure, the University presented proposals on Workload and Workspace & Materials. These represented small but significant steps forward in our negotiations with the University.
The following aspects of our bargaining agenda are still outstanding: Appointment Notification, Childcare, Discipline or Dismissal, Tuition and Fee Waivers, Grievance, Intellectual Property, Insurance/GAIP, Job Titles, Leaves of Absence, Workspace & Materials, Workload, Academic Excellence, Bathroom Equity, Debt Management, and others.
Our next bargaining session will take place Thursday from 12-4pm in Condon 311. All members are encouraged to attend! For a full list of bargaining dates and times please click see the union’s website or the union’s calendar.