Take 1 Hour to Help Move a State Budget that Works for Us

Today began a special session in the state Legislature, where the primary task facing lawmakers is the completion of a budget for the remainder of the 2011-13 biennium.  Thanks to the efforts of those of you who joined with thousands of others statewide in writing or or calling your representatives last week, the House passed a version of the budget that protected funding for UW.  If you haven’t already, please take a second to thank your Representative if s/he voted in favor of last week’s House budget (see the roll call here).

The House budget wasn’t enacted because it was opposed by 25 lawmakers (all 22 Senate Republicans and 3 Senate Democrats) who had previously introduced and approved their own version of a budget, without a public hearing. Since these 25 comprise a majority in the Senate they have the power to halt budget negotiations, and we should assume that they’ll continue to push for a budget which cuts funding for higher education, as well numerous other state services and public employees.

A change in vote by just 1 of these 25 lawmakers would return the majority to the remaining 24 Democrats in the Senate, and dramatically increase the chances of passing a budget that (among other things) preserves funding for higher ed, closes tax loopholes on out of state megabanks, and protects essential state services.  This week, you can help stand up for a fair budget by taking one hour to help urge key Senators to change their vote in favor of a more progressive budget that protects higher education.  Can you take one hour this week?  Contact us!