Upcoming 4121 Elections
Our Local, UAW 4121, will hold a university-wide election to fill vacant leadership positions this quarter. Nominations for vacant Steward and Joint Council positions in UAW 4121 opened on Monday, October 30th and will close November 9th. If you are interested in a leadership position, take a look at the current list of vacant positions and access the nomination form here.
Stewards are the main points of contact for members in a given department, and the steward network forms the backbone of our union’s cross-departmental structure and community. For information about what these roles entail, check out the election announcement email you received Monday.
All members in good standing are automatically nominated for open positions in their department. To run for the position, you simply have to accept your automatic nomination. For information about what these roles entail, check out the UAW 4121 Steward’s Toolkit. If you have questions, email elections@uaw4121.org
Academic Student Employees – Add your voice – the ASE 2024 Contract Bargaining Survey open until 11/15
In early 2024, ASEs will begin negotiating a new contract with the University of Washington. Building a strong, representative bargaining agenda takes all ASEs coming together throughout the year to determine our collective priorities on issues including wages, fee waivers, career development, anti-discrimination, and more. Please take 5 minutes to communicate your priorities today!
November Monthly Membership Meeting
Our next membership meeting is Thursday, November 9th at 5pm on Zoom. RSVP here for the November Membership Meeting. The proposed agenda is as follows:
- Approve Agenda
- Approve Minutes
- Working Group updates
- Organizing updates & action items
- ASE Bargaining & Membership Drive
- RSE & PD Membership Drives
- Adjourn
Any member who would like to propose additional agenda items or submit materials for the meeting is welcome to email uaw4121@uaw4121.org by 5pm on Wednesday, November 8th.
November Election Endorsements
City and county elections are coming up on November 7th! All members should have received an email with a full list of our local’s endorsements. |