UAW 4121

Membership Meeting on Thurs 10/14 

Our next membership meeting will be Thursday 10/14 from 5-6pm, and will be conducted via Zoom. To receive the Zoom information, please fill out this RSVP form. The proposed agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  • Approve Agenda
  • Approve Minutes
  • Approve Board Actions
  • Agenda
  • Welcome to your union!
  • Workgroups – how to get involved
  • Return to campus updates
  • Elections Committee
  • UAW Referendum – 1 Member 1 Vote
  • Solidarity Events 
  • Adjourn
Any member who would like to propose additional agenda items or submit materials for the meeting is welcome to email by 5pm on Wednesday, October 13. All members in good standing are encouraged to attend, and anyone who is not yet a member can sign up here beforehand. For more information about how the meeting will be structured and how you can use Zoom’s features to participate, check out this page on our website.

Postdoc Childcare Fund Enrollment is now open! 

Postdoc caregivers: enrollment is now open for the Postdoc Childcare fund. Enroll today. The Postdoc Childcare Fund is now accepting responses for the second half of 2021. Our collective bargaining agreement provides for a collective caregiving fund of $45,000 in 2021 that is distributed semiannually. Funds will be distributed in December for Postdoc caregivers who worked at UW anytime from July to December 2021. If you are a Postdoc parent or caregiver, enroll today. Please reach out to the Family Friendly Workgroup ( with any questions or to get more involved.

Join us at the October 11th Immigration Day of Action

On October 11, join UAW community members in solidarity across WA and create a visible presence to demand citizenship for all. You can find more information about this action here. In Seattle, there will be an action at the courthouse at the US District Court at 700 Stewart St, Seattle, WA from 5:00pm – 6:30pm — RSVP here! If you are unable to make it in person, it will also be live streamed here.

1 Member 1 Vote Referendum

As we’ve previously emailed, later this month, there will be a UAW-wide vote on an important referendum, 1 Member 1 Vote (1M1V). 1M1V would change the way officers of the UAW International Executive Board (IEB) are elected, to a system where every UAW member votes directly for IEB officers. The vote will be conducted by mail-in ballot between October 19 and November 29. You should have gotten a postcard about the vote a few weeks ago to confirm your address. If you didn’t receive your postcard, you likely need to update your address to ensure you get a ballot when they are mailed out in October. To ensure your address is updated, please fill out this form todayIt is critical for every member to make your voice heard in this vote, so please also take a moment to pledge to vote once ballots are mailed out. Alternately, if you’ve left UW and are no longer a member, please fill out this short form.

Return to Campus: Your Health & Safety Rights

As Academic Student Employees and Postdocs, we have strong protections in our contracts for issues such as health & safety, workload, paid training, and more (printable summary here). Note that both the Academic Student Employee and Postdoc contracts are clear that we cannot be required to work in conditions that pose an imminent threat to health and safety. If you have any concerns or questions about your appointment, reach out to the Contract Enforcement Working Group <> right away for support.

Though the contracts we have fought for offers strong protections, they also don’t enforce themselves. Members are continuing to meet on an ongoing basis to coordinate and develop organizing plans for ensuring a safe campus for all. If you are interested in getting involved, please fill out your information here, and for more discussion on how you can take action, join next week’s membership meeting. For more information about updated policies, resources, and your contractual rights, check out the COVID Resource Center.

Elections Matter- Make your voice heard!

Over the last academic year, we’ve worked together to fight on all fronts — at the bargaining table with UW Admin, at City Hall, in Olympia, in Washington DC — to support research, education, and equity for all workers. Voting in local elections is an essential piece of making our voices heard about the issues that impact all of us, like affordable housing and transportation, racial and climate justice, and building a region that works for all people. Looking toward the November elections, it’s critical that we continue our fight at the ballot box!
What You Can Do
  • Register to vote! You can register online or by mail until Monday 10/25 or in person through election day. Ballots will hit mailboxes starting October 13 so get registered today!
  • Canvass for candidates! Even if you aren’t eligible to vote, there are other important ways you can participate! When we talk directly to other voters about our candidates, we make a huge impact on election outcomes and build relationships with candidates so they will be accountable to members’ needs. We have an organized canvass for Nikkita Oliver, Teresa Mosqueda, and Lorena Gonzalez in October. RSVP here or email for more information about this and other canvassing opportunities.
  • Support campaigns with Democracy Vouchers! If you’re in Seattle, submit your Democracy Vouchers! Each Seattle voter or green card holder is eligible to give four $25 Democracy Vouchers to candidates running in Seattle city elections. Request your vouchers online.
  • Contribute to our union’s political fund! If you’re eligible to vote in the U.S., consider contributing $1-$5 per month to VCAP (the UAW Voluntary Community Action Program). If we collectively raised an average of $1 per member per month for VCAP, we could begin to counter corporate spending and elect strong allies — ultimately also helping move legislation that will get corporate money out of politics altogether (in Seattle and nationally). Contribute to VCAP today!

UAW 4121 Shirts and Stickers

Need some fresh union gear for fall?? Fill out this form and stay tuned for opportunities to grab a t-shirt and stickers (free for members!).

If you already have merch and have a baby or pet who has done a great job of modeling it, please send the comms team ( photos or tag us on social media! We would love to feature them in upcoming emails and posts.

This is Soke (soh-kee)! They are a neuroscience pup, peopled by Mar Borrego. Thanks for modeling our merch, Soke!!

In Solidarity,

Douglas Avella-Castro
Amanda Clouser
Max Friedfeld
Kaelie Giffel
Vern Harner
Colleen Hoffman
Levin Kim
Brianne King
Kyle Kubler
Avi Matarasso
Erin Morgan
Emily Myers
Amal Nanavati
Anzela Niraula
Elena Pandres
Nayon Park
Marissa Parker
Shua Sanchez
Solmaz Shakerifard
Sam Sumpter
Samantha Thompson
Judy Twedt
Momona Yamagami
Christian Zimmermann