Nominations for all vacant positions in UAW 4121 are open as of Monday, October 30th and will close on Thursday, November 9th at 5pm PT.

To run for a position, simply accept your automatic nomination by filling out this Google form. Read below for more information about eligibility requirements for each position.

The timeline for the elections is as follows:

  • Nomination Period: Monday 10/30 – Thursday 11/9 @ 5pm PT
  • Candidate Statements Collection (for contested positions): Friday 11/10 – Sunday 11/19
  • Voting: Monday 11/20 – Friday 11/24 (for contested positions)
  • Runoff (if needed): Monday 11/27 – Friday 12/1

(all nomination and voting/runoff periods close at 5:00 PM PDT/PST)

Questions? Email us at

One note on eligibility for RSEs: the requirement for 1 year of continuous good standing for any RSE A-4 will be effective September 1st, 2024. The requirement for 90 days of continuous good standing will be effective January 1st, 2024.

Steward Position and Eligibility Description

Vacant Steward positions are open and ready for new members! Stewards are responsible for serving as organizers and points of contact for their department. They help encourage people to join the union, spread information about upcoming events, direct department members to union resources, and help organize ASEs, Postdocs, and RSEs in the department for collective actions that protect and expand our workplace rights. With the guidance of the contract enforcement committee, they can also represent and support colleagues through the grievance procedure if issues arise. Stewards receive training and support for both of these roles, so there’s no prior experience needed.

Eligibility: To be eligible for the position of Steward, you must have been a union member in good standing for at least ninety (90) days. You may not hold the position of Steward simultaneously with any other elected office (including Head Steward), with the exception of chairs of standing committees other than the Elections Committee. If you wish, you may resign your current position to run as a steward. Simply indicate this in your email to the Elections Committee.

If you have questions about the position or your eligibility, please feel free to contact us at, and we can help put you in contact with a current steward to chat with. All Steward positions will last until September 2024.

Open Steward Positions

If you do not see your department listed, but believe there to be a vacancy, please contact the Elections Committee via email at

Head Steward Position and Eligibility Description

Head Stewards represent their entire unit and meet quarterly (at minimum) as members of the Joint Council, alongside Head Stewards from other units and the Executive Board. Head Stewards also make up the bargaining team which bargains with the UW over our contract. There are currently 14 total ASE Head Steward positions, 5 total Postdoc Head Steward positions, and 6 total RSE Head Steward positions.

Eligibility: To be eligible for the position of Head Steward, you must have been a union member in continuous good standing for at least ninety (90) days. You may not hold the position of Head Steward simultaneously with any other elected office (including Steward), with the exception of chairs of standing committees other than the Elections Committee. If you wish, you may resign your current position to run as a Head Steward. Simply indicate this in your email to the Elections Committee.

If you have questions about the position or your eligibility, please feel free to contact us at, and we can help put you in contact with a current Head Steward to chat with. The term of this Head Stewardship will last until May 2025.

Open Head Steward positions can be found HERE. There are vacancies in ASE Head Steward, PD Head Steward, and RSE Head Steward.

Executive Board Positions and Eligibility Description

Open Executive Board positions can be found HERE.

The Executive Board meets at least once a month to coordinate Local strategies and campaigns and to carry out Local functions between membership meetings. Executive Board members are also responsible for contributing to the development and implementation of Local organizing. The terms of all Executive Board members will last until May 2025. More detailed descriptions of these positions can be found in the UAW Constitution.

Eligibility: All candidates for Executive Board of the Local Union must be members and have been in continuous good standing for one (1) year prior to accepting nomination. No member may run for or hold more than one elected office simultaneously, with the exception of chairs of standing committees other than the Election Committee.

Accepting Nomination

To accept nomination for one of the above positions, you must fill out this Google form or send your acceptance by mail to Elections Committee c/o UAW Local 4121, 2633 Eastlake Ave E, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98102.

Acceptance must be received by mail or email no later than Thursday, November 9th, 2023. The written statement of acceptance should state how the nominee wishes their name to appear on the ballot and the department in which they are accepting the nomination, if applicable.

Candidate Statements and Campaign Rules

Members accepting nomination have the option to submit a candidate statement (up to 500 words) to the Election Committee via email to that must be received by the candidate statement deadline of Friday, November 17th, 2023. Candidates also have the option to submit a photo, which must have a square aspect ratio and be at least 200×200 pixels in resolution. In the case of contested positions, statements will be posted on the Local Union website no later than Sunday, November 19th, 2023.

Candidates and those campaigning for them are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the rules governing elections and campaigns as laid out in the UAW 4121 Bylaws and the Constitution of the UAW International.

Election Procedure

If only one candidate accepts nomination for a position, that position will be uncontested and will be automatically filled. For contested positions, a candidate must receive a majority of votes to win.

If no candidate receives a majority of the votes for a position, a runoff election will be held Monday, November 27th to Friday, December 1st. Voting will take place online.

Online Voting

Online voting by secret ballot will take place from Monday, November 20th to Friday, November 24th. Instructions for online voting will be emailed to all members before the voting and will be posted on

If you have graduated or left the University of Washington and are receiving this email in error, please email us at

In Solidarity, 
UAW Local 4121 Election Committee 2023-2024

Al Snow
Eva Maxfield Brown