Call or e-mail your state representatives today!
Tell them to close unfair tax loopholes rather than pass the burden on to workers and students.
As the Legislature weighs budget priorities, it’s critical that they hear that their constituents care more about funding education and health care than funding for out-of-state mega banks and corporate jets.
Click here to find your legislators’ contact information.
A Balanced Approach to the State Budget
UAW 4121 is again part of a coalition who is pushing the legislature to consider revenue options to help close the $4 billion budget deficit, rather than cutting vital services like heath care and education to the people of the state of Washington.
The Our Economic Future coalition has assembled a menu of revenue options that the State Legislature must consider if it wants to balance the budget in a fair and rational way.
As the Legislature weighs budget priorities, it’s critical that they hear that we care more about funding education and health care then funding for out of state megabanks and corporate jets.
For more information see the Our Economic Future Coalition and Economic Opportunity Institute websites.