Please vote today to ratify our bargaining goals!
As you know, our union has been active in fighting against the discriminatory travel bans enacted by the Trump Administration, and are again participating in a lawsuit filed by the Attorney General of Washington to halt the newest ban from being implemented. You can read our legal declarations here and here.
In addition, UAW Local 4121 has filed a demand to bargain with the University over impacts of these Executive Orders, resulting in changes to University policy. These changes have adversely impacted UAW 4121 members, and so we would like to propose revisions to our collective bargaining agreement to ensure protection for affected individuals.
Based on member input from workshops, membership meetings, one-on-one conversations, and a membership-wide survey, our initial bargaining goals are listed here.
Help send a clear message that impacted members need additional protections and accommodations — please take a minute now to vote in support of our bargaining goals! You should receive an online ballot via email by 6pm on March 13. Please look for “UAW4121BGV – Link to online ballot” in the subject line. If you do not receive a ballot by that time, you can request one here.
Following the outcome of this vote, we will present these demands to the University early in Spring Quarter 2017. Local 4121 members are always welcome to attend bargaining sessions: check here for updates about dates/times/locations. The bargaining committee will provide regular updates and, upon reaching tentative agreement with the University, will hold a membership-wide vote to approve any changes to the contract language.
For more information, please check out our bargaining updates page or email
In Solidarity,
Theresa Aliwarga
Douglas Avella-Castro
Andrea Canini
Anthony Castanza
Ying-Yu Chen
Monica Cortes Viharo
Kristen Garofali
Arshiya Hoseyni Chime
Katya Kolesova
Dylan Mayer
Elizabeth Mills
Chelsea Pagan
David Parsons
Michelle Pham
Shua Sanchez
Viral Shah
Sam Sumpter
Arash Tarkhan
Judy Twedt