UPDATE 12/3: The vote count was completed at approximately 8:30 p.m. ET on Friday, December 2, 2022. A number of candidates secured a majority of votes in their race and will be sworn in on December 12 — you can find the full list of results here. Because no candidate received a majority of votes for the office of President, or for the third Vice President position, runoff elections will be held for both those positions. Rules and details around the run-off election will be forthcoming, but it is anticipated that ballots will be mailed to members starting on January 12, 2023 and the deadline for the return of those ballots will be February 28, 2023, with the vote count commencing on March 1, 2023. For more information, visit https://uawvote.com/ and check out the election notice here. For more information, continue reading in the 2023 Runoff section below!

UPDATE 11/29: The voting period has now concluded and ballots are being tabulated. For more information, visit https://www.uawmonitor.com/elections.

UPDATE 10/16: Ballots are now out for the first-ever direct election of UAW International Executive Board (IEB) positions! It’s critical that every UAW member votes in this historic election. Mail in your completed ballot by November 18 to ensure it gets counted. Starting after October 24, you’ll be able to track your voted ballot at http://uawvote.com/main.html If you have not received a ballot in the mail, you should request one immediately at http://uawvote.com/main.html or by calling 855-433-8683. Please note the deadline to request a new ballot is Friday November 11. 

Info for 2023 Runoff Elections

The count for the first round of voting was completed at approximately 8:30 p.m. ET on Friday, December 2, 2022. A number of candidates secured a majority of votes in their race and will be sworn in on December 12, 2022 — you can find the full list of results here. Because no candidate received a majority of votes for the office of President, or for the third Vice President position, runoff elections will be held for both those positions. 

  • December 15, 2022: Deadline to update your address to ensure you are included in the first mailing distribution of ballots in January. If you changed addresses in the last month, you likely need to update your record by filling out this form. Alternately, if you’ve left UW and are no longer a member, please fill out this short form. If you need to update your address anytime after January 12, you should plan to request a replacement when the portal becomes available on January 19 (refer below). 
  • January 12, 2023: First mail distribution of ballots to members.
  • January 12, 2023: Voluntary Candidate Forum for the office of International President featuring Presidential candidates Ray Curry and Shawn Fain on January 12 from 4-5pm (Pacific time). You can join live via Zoom (Webinar ID: 853 7062 2273 Passcode: 805234), or watch the recording on YouTube. Any member who wishes to submit a question for the Moderator to consider including in the Forum may do so by emailing the question at least 24 hours before the forum. Find more information about how to submit a question on the Monitor’s website (scroll down under the section “2023 Run-Off Election International President Candidate Forum”). 
  • January 19, 2023: If you do not receive your ballot by January 19, you should request a replacement right away at uawvote.com or by calling 855-433-8683.
  • January 31, 2023, at 5 pm ET: Deadline by which members MUST be in good standing in order to have their vote counted in the Run-Off Election. 
  • February 15, 2023, at 11:59 pm ET: Final date and time by which replacement ballots may be requested from the Election Vendor. 
  • February 17, 2023: Last day by which it is advisable for members to place their ballots in the mail to best ensure receipt by February 28, 2023 deadline. 
  • February 28, 2023, at 4 pm ET: DEADLINE for ballots to be received by the U.S. Post Office in Dayton, Ohio, where the ballots will be securely picked up and brought to the vote count site. 
  • March 1, 2023, at 8 am ET: Date on which the tabulation of votes will begin. 

Find more information about the election process, eligibility to vote, and more on the IEB Elections page on our website and in the Official Election Notice. As with the first round of voting, our Organizing Committees will be conducting a number of GOTV efforts to reach out to fellow UAW 4121 members and encourage everyone to participate in the runoff election. To get involved with this work, email ase-organizing@uaw4121.org

UAW 2022 International Executive Board Elections FAQ

Last Fall, UAW members across the country voted to establish direct elections for officers of the UAW International Executive Board (IEB). Under this new system, IEB members (including International President, Secretary-Treasurer, 3 Vice Presidents, and 9 Regional Directors) will be elected through Union-wide elections in which all UAW members will be able to directly vote for nominated candidates. The first IEB elections under direct voting will be held this Fall 2022, and it will be critical for every UAW member to participate in this historic vote. For more info, check out the FAQs below!

When are the elections? 

Ballots will be mailed out beginning October 17, 2022. Completed ballots must be received (not postmarked) by November 28, 2022. Members will be encouraged to mail your ballots in by November 18 to ensure they arrive in time to be counted. For a more detailed timeline, check out the election notice.

Who is eligible to vote? 

All UAW members in good standing as of October 31, 2022 will be eligible to vote.

How can I access my ballot? How can I request a new ballot? 

The election will be conducted via mail-in ballot. If you do not receive a ballot in the mail by October 24, you may request one at http://uawvote.com/main.html or by calling 855-433-8683. The last day to request a new ballot is Friday November 11. 

How can I tell if my ballot was received? 

Starting after October 24, you’ll be able to track your voted ballot at http://uawvote.com/main.html.

How can I find out about the candidates? 

Candidates for all IEB positions were nominated at the Constitutional Convention (July 25-28). In September, the federal monitor overseeing the election convened candidate forums — you can view recordings from this page (scroll down under “Candidate Forums”). The July/August/September edition of Solidarity Magazine also contained materials from the candidates — if you didn’t receive your copy in the mail, you can download a digital copy here. Additionally, candidates may route emails to the full UAW email list through the federal monitor. Note that no candidate will be directly provided access to the membership list for campaigning. Also note that no union or employer resources are permitted to be used to campaign for any candidate.

How do I know if I’m a member in good standing? 

Eligibility for membership in UAW 4121 is defined by Article 4 of the UAW 4121 Bylaws, in accordance with the UAW Constitution. According to Bylaws Article 4, Section 1, “Membership of this Local Union shall be extended to all graduate students at the University of Washington and all employees in titles that come under the jurisdiction of this Local Union.” Also note that if you do not have an address on file by October 31, 2022, you will not be able to vote (refer to questions below for more info). 

  • Graduate students become eligible for membership when they accept an offer to enroll in a graduate program at the University of Washington, regardless of job title or current ASE status. Upon signing a membership card, graduate students remain in good standing as long as they are registered as a student at UW, become a Postdoc at UW, or revoke membership. Please refer to the next question to ensure your membership status will be correctly verified.
  • Undergraduate ASEs (readers, graders, tutors, teaching assistants, and research assistants) become eligible for membership at the commencement of employment as an ASE. Upon signing a membership card, undergraduate ASEs remain in good standing as long as they are employed as an ASE, become a graduate student at UW, or revoke membership. 
  • Postdocs become eligible for membership at the commencement of their Postdoc appointment. Upon signing a membership card, Postdocs remain in good standing for the duration of their appointment, unless they revoke membership. 

Any member on a registered leave of absence from UW remains in good standing. A member who leaves the university and ceases to pay dues will no longer be considered a member in good standing for the purposes of an election. If you’ve left UW and are no longer a member, please fill out this short form

What process is being used to verify eligibility? 

For all members, if you do not have an address on file by October 31, 2022, you will not be able to vote. Refer to the question below for more information on how to make sure your address is on file.

For Postdocs and Undergraduate ASEs, eligibility will automatically be verified for anyone who is (a) actively appointed as a Postdoc/ASE, (b) has a signed membership card on file as of October 31, 2022, and (c) has an address on file by October 31, 2022. 

For Graduate ASEs

  • Eligibility will be automatically verified for anyone who (a) is actively appointed as an ASE and (b) has a signed membership card on file as of October 31, 2022, and (c) has an address on file by October 31, 2022. 
  • Membership status will also be automatically verified for anyone who is a graduate student and has accepted membership in the past five years (i.e., Fall 2017 or later) and has an address on file by 10/31/22, unless they have confirmed that they have left the University and are no longer a member. 
  • If you are a graduate student who is not currently employed as an ASE and you signed your membership card earlier than Fall 2017, you must confirm you are still a member in good standing by October 31, 2022 in order to receive your ballot. You can do so by submitting a new membership card.

If you have left the University and are no longer a member, please fill out this short form. If you have any questions or concerns about your status, email uaw4121@uaw4121.org right away.

How can I make sure my address is up to date and on file? 

If you received a copy of Solidarity Magazine in the mail in late September/early October, that confirms that your address is up to date. If you did not, you likely need to update your address — refer below for more info. Additionally, members should have received an email on September 29, 2022 with the address you currently have on file.

  • If you are still a member, and your address in the 9/29/22 email is correct, and you received a copy of Solidarity Magazine in September/October, you don’t need to take any action. 
  • If you are still a member, but your address in the 9/29/22 email is not correct and you didn’t receive a copy of Solidarity Magazine in September/October, fill out this short address update form as soon as possible, and no later than October 31, 2022. NOTE: as of 10/18, this will no longer ensure you receive a ballot. If you do not receive a ballot in the mail by October 24, you should request one at http://uawvote.com/main.html or by calling 855-433-8683.
  • If you are still a member, but the 9/29/22 email stated that we do not have an address on file for you, you must confirm an address by October 31, 2022 by filling out this form, or you will not be able to vote.
  • If you’ve left UW and are no longer a member, please fill out this short form.

How can I get more involved? 

Share this information with other members in your department/lab and encourage them to check that their addresses are up to date! Closer to the election, our Organizing Committees will also be contacting members to encourage everyone to get their ballots in. To get looped in with GOTV efforts, please reach out to uaw4121@uaw4121.org. Note that no union or employer resources — including union organizing lists, email listservs, meeting time, etc — are permitted to be used to campaign for any candidate.

Where can I find more information? 

Check out the official election notice, the UAW Elections website, and the UAW Monitor’s website. This page will also be updated with more information as it becomes available, so please be sure to check back regularly. Email uaw4121@uaw4121.org with any other questions.