Bargaining came to a dramatic halt tonight. About 400 ASEs turned out for today’s bargaining session to show unity in demanding a fair and equitable contract. In response, the university administration barred the building doors to prevent more members from entering...

Political Support and Union Solidarity

In a separate major action at 12:30pm today, a delegation of UAW4121 members, elected officials,  and unions including UAW 4121, SEIU925, WFSE 1488, SEIU 1199, AFT, Faculty Forward, and the Martin Luther King Labor Council delivered a letter to UW President Ana Mari...

Bargaining Summary 4/5

At today’s bargaining session, we reached tentative agreement on 22 articles of the contract, including an important new article that will require transparency from all departments and hiring units about their pay rates for hourly ASEs. However, despite today being...

Bargaining Summary 4/4

Today was a powerful bargaining session as around 300 ASEs turned out to demonstrate support and urgency around our proposals concerning anti-discrimination and equity! Tomorrow (Thursday) marks the day we negotiated with the University during the first bargaining...

Bargaining Summary from March 15th

Against the backdrop of the fantastic win that UW Postdocs and ASEs made possible today and throughout yesterday’s historic direct action, today we saw some incremental progress on a key issue in bargaining.  UW Administration responded to our comprehensive...