Dear UAW Members,

The 2019 Triennial elections are beginning! The nomination period for Executive Board and Bargaining Committee positions is now open and will close on April 20 at 5:00 pm PDT. If there are contested positions, elections will take place on May 6 – 8.


Every UAW Local 4121 member who has been in good standing for one year is considered automatically nominated for the Executive Board positions.

Every UAW Local 4121 member who has been in good standing for 90 days is considered automatically nominated for the Bargaining Team positions.

Each individual can accept nomination for 1 position. In order to do so, you must submit a written nomination acceptance within the (now open) nominations period. See details below.

Executive Board:

  • President (1 position)

  • Vice President (1 position)

  • Financial Secretary (1 position)

  • Recording Secretary (1 position)

  • Sergeant in Arms (1 position)

  • Guide (1 position)

  • Trustees (3 positions)

Bargaining Team:

  • Region 1 (2 positions)

  • Region 2 (2 positions)

  • Region 3 (2 positions)

  • Region 4 (2 positions)

  • Region 5 (2 positions)

Candidates for the At Large Bargaining Team may only accept nomination in one jurisdictional region, and may only accept nomination in a jurisdictional region in which they are enrolled or employed. While bargaining committee members run in a specific region, they are elected at large (by the entire membership).

All positions above are elected for 3 year terms, which begin in June 2019 and expire in May 2022. Officers are allowed to vacate their positions before the end of their terms, in which case the Elections Committee will hold a vacancy election.

Accepting Nomination

To accept nomination for one of the above positions, you must send your acceptance in an email to the Election Committee at:

Or by mail to:

Elections Committee c/o UAW Local 4121

2633 Eastlake Ave E, Suite 200

Seattle, WA 98102

Acceptances must be received by mail or email no later than April 20 at 5:00 pm PDT. The written statement of acceptance should state how the nominee wishes their name to appear on the ballot and the region in which they are accepting the nomination, if applicable.

Candidate Statements and Campaign Rules

Members accepting nomination may also submit a candidate statement (up to 500 words) to the Election Committee that must be received by the nomination deadline of April 20 at 5:00 pm PDT. Candidates may also submit a photo, which must have a square aspect ratio and be at least 200×200 pixels in resolution. In the case of contested positions, statements will be posted on the Local Union website no later than April 22nd.

Candidates and those campaigning for them are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the rules governing elections and campaigns as laid out in the UAW 4121 Bylaws and the Constitution of the UAW International. The elections committee has put together a summary of relevant campaign rules which will be sent out at the start of the campaigning period, but this should be taken as a guide only, not the final reference.

Online Voting

Online voting will take place May 6 – 8. Instructions for online voting will be emailed to all members before the voting and will be posted soon on

In-person Voting

In-person voting will take place at the following times and locations:

  • May 7th, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., outside the HUB Main Entrance

  • May 8th, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., outside the HUB Main Entrance

Election Procedure

If only one candidate accepts nomination for a position, that position will be uncontested and will be automatically filled. For contested positions, a candidate must receive a majority of votes to win.

If no candidate receives a majority of the votes for a position, a runoff election will be held on May 21 and May 22. Voting will take place online, and in person outside the HUB Main Entrance from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on both days.

If you have graduated or left the University of Washington and are receiving this email in error, please email us at


UAW Local 4121 Election Committee 2018-2019

Katie Brennan
Jorge Bustamante
Krzysztof Drewniak
Elliot Lee
Elena Pandres
Marissa Parker
Sam Pennypacker
Katie Reichard