by Election Committee | May 23, 2019 | Elections, Front Page, Membership Updates
The nomination acceptance period for the vacancy election (Steward positions and Defense Committee) has now closed. We are happy to announce the following new stewards and committee members, all of whom are uncontested. Congratulations to all! Stewards Anthropology...
by Election Committee | May 13, 2019 | Elections, Front Page, Membership Updates
Dear UAW Member, Nominations for Stewards and Defense Committee positions in UAW 4121 are open today, May 13th, and will close on May 22nd. This is a great opportunity to take a leadership position in your department or region! All members who have been in good...
by Election Committee | Apr 10, 2019 | Elections, Front Page, Membership Updates
Dear UAW Members, The 2019 Triennial elections are beginning! The nomination period for Executive Board and Bargaining Committee positions is now open and will close on April 20 at 5:00 pm PDT. If there are contested positions, elections will take place on May 6...
by UAW 4121 | Sep 26, 2012 | Arbitration Updates, Front Page
Welcome back! We’re writing as the new academic year begins with a few important updates. First we want to welcome the hundreds of new ASEs who have just signed up to accept union membership this past week in their orientations, and also thank the numerous activists...
by UAW 4121 | Jun 29, 2012 | Front Page, Membership Updates
We’ve received numerous questions this week about Summer Quarter and the recent arbitration decision regarding the SFR and Universal U-Pass fees. As you’ll recall, a neutral 3rd party arbitrator ruled in May that the University had violated our collective bargaining...
by UAW 4121 | Jun 29, 2012 | 2011-12 Contract Campaign, Front Page, Membership Updates
Yesterday’s landmark ruling by the Supreme Court, upholding most major provisions of National Health Care Reform, has implications not only for millions of uninsured Americans nationwide but also for Academic Student Employees here at UW. As you may recall, in our...