UPDATE 6/26: Jeremy Bazinet has been elected the steward for Pharmacology, due to a withdrawal.


The nomination acceptance period for the current steward elections has now closed.

One department is contested, Pharmacology, with two candidates for one steward position. The other departments are uncontested; their steward nominees are automatically elected. New stewards are listed in the table below.

Pharmacology members should expect an election during July 9 to July 11. Voting will take place online. The two candidates are

  1. Jeremy Bazinet. Statement: “I hope to act as a liaison to Pharmacology department to keep UAW Pharmacologists informed and active”
  2. Calvin Snyder. Statement: “Solidarity forever”
Department New Steward
Aeronautics and Astronautics Linda Leben
Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Catrin Wendt
Art Connor Walden
Asian Languages and Literature Benjamin Burton
Astronomy Meredith Durbin
Atmospheric Sciences Kelly Balmes
Biochemistry Stacey Gerben
Biochemistry Kristine Tsantilas
Bioengineering David Peeler
Biology Jeremy Chan
Center for Social Science Computation and Research Riddhi Mehta-Neugebauer
Chemical Engineering Jaime Rodriguez
Chemical Engineering Jonathan Witt
Chemistry Dylan Karis
Chemistry Patrick Shelton
Chemistry Ryan Shafranek
Chemistry Nayon Park
Communication Kyle Kubler
Comparative Literature Gaurav Pai
Computer Science and Engineering Joseph Redmon
Computer Science and Engineering Camille Cobb
Computer Science and Engineering Martin Kellogg
Computer Science and Engineering Philip Garrison
Computer Science and Engineering Doug Woos
Dance Program Lucie Baker
Drama Trevor Cushman
Earth and Space Sciences Joel Gombiner
Electrical Engineering Thomas Powers
English Molly Stambaugh
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Alicia Hendrix
Forestry Robbie Emmet
Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies Jey Saung
Genome Sciences Ken Jean-Baptiste
Geography Lee Fiorio
Human Centered Design and Engineering Himanshu Zade
Information School Mina Tari
Information School Hannah Robinson
Information School Rachel Franz
Jackson School of International Studies Emily Willard
Linguistics Angelina McMillan-Major
Mathematics Amzi Jeffs
Mathematics Tuomas Tajakka
Mathematics Olivia W Borghi
Microbiology Samantha Durfey
Molecular Engineering Sinduja Marx
Music Juliana Cantarelli Vita
Neuroscience Graduate Program Kali Esancy
Oceanography Elizabeth Brasseale
Philosophy Julio Covarrubias
Physics Eric Machado
Physics Ruby Byrne
Physics Kyle Aitken
Physiology and Biophysics Liza Severs
Political Science Grace Reinke
Social Work Vern Harner
Tacoma Isabella Caughie