by UAW 4121 | Dec 10, 2013 | A Stronger, More Accessible Public University, Membership Updates, Respect and Justice for Immigrants, Support a Better Budget for Higher Ed, The International Student Fee
International Students are a critical part of UW’s academic culture, but have increasingly been targeted for fee/tuition increases. A new petition created by a coalition of student groups asks the Board of Regents to reverse their decision to impose a new...
by UAW 4121 | Jun 22, 2013 | A Stronger, More Accessible Public University, Membership Updates, Respect and Justice for Immigrants, Support a Better Budget for Higher Ed, The International Student Fee
In the next 48 hours the State Legislature may enact an unfair 20% surcharge on international students. Please contact your legislators now to oppose this! Earlier this session we delivered a petition to the Legislature with more than 2,500 signatures, urging a...
by UAW 4121 | May 16, 2013 | Membership Updates, Respect and Justice for Immigrants
Abajo en español We’re making phone calls to tell congress: the time is now for fair and just immigration reform NOW! Thursday, May 23 5:45PM – 8PM UFCW Local 21, 5030 1st Ave S, Seattle 98134 74% of voters support a road to citizenship for the 11...
by UAW 4121 | May 1, 2013 | Membership Updates, Respect and Justice for Immigrants, Worker Solidarity / Collective Bargaining
Today, along with the rest of the labor community, we are participating in the 13th Annual May Day March for Workers and Immigrant Rights in support of comprehensive immigration reform. The march starts at Judkins Park in Seattle at 1pm.
by UAW 4121 | Apr 16, 2013 | A Stronger, More Accessible Public University, Economic Justice / Power to the 99%, Membership Updates, Respect and Justice for Immigrants, Support a Better Budget for Higher Ed, The International Student Fee
As the State Legislature begins its final budget negotiations, UAW Local 4121, along with statewide student groups, unions, and community allies, is circulating a petition to urge the Legislature to pass a budget that promotes quality and affordability, and supports...